The Race
It's been awhile since I posted. I have drafts upon drafts of blogs on my phone that I, simply, got too lazy to post. When you are least expecting it, life has a way of, not only, catching up with you but taking the lead and leaving you feeling exhausted in the effort to catch back up. That has been the story since my last post. I was working part time, going to school full time and momming 24/7. I made the decision to go back to work full time, which I thought would be more heart breaking than it actually was. I found that over the last couple of years, I had missed having conversations with adults that didn't revolve around diapers or bottles or anything baby related. Now, that doesn't mean that I didn't miss Lola because I did. Her photos were all over my office and I talked about her and what a proud momma I was constantly. However, it was nice to be able to discuss other things using the vocabulary of someone older than one. Unfortunately, my boss wasn't a fan...